101 fotografie d'epoca erotici Vol. 2
Category: Kindle Store,Kindle eBooks,Arts & Photography
101 fotografie d'epoca erotici Vol. 2 Details
101 fotografie d'epoca eroticiUna Foto-Compendio vol. 1~Vintage EroticaDal giorno in cui la fotocamera è stato inventato prima le persone hanno preso fotografie erotiche.E 'solo la natura umana.Vintage può significare qualsiasi cosa, da fine del 1800 fino al 1970, e abbiamo cercato di includere una varietà di esempi provenienti da tutto quel periodo.Così ti versi un bicchiere di vino o una birra fresca, e buon divertimento!
- Picasso Sculpture
- Hal Leonard Guitar Method: Paperback Lessons
- Brave New Blues Guitar: Classic Styles, Techniques & Licks Reimagined with a Modern Feel
- Chihuly Pure Imagination Floats Jigsaw Puzzle
- Chihuly Black Note Card Set
- Chihuly Sculptures [With 12 Envelopes]
- Chihuly Baskets
- Pablo Picasso: Between Cubism and Neoclassicism: 1915–1925
- Genesis of a Painting: Picasso's "Guernica"
- Picasso (Masters of Art)
I thought volume 1 of this series was pretty innovative in its treatment of vintage pics Some of the women were not exactly beautiful, but they all exuded sexuality.This offers more of the same, with nude pics from the 1800's to the 1970's. There seem to be several repeats from volume 1, but also some good new (old) stuff. If vintage is your thing, you will dig this. BTW, Don't concern yourself with the Italian title. It is basically 101 vintage Nudes volume 2. For some reason it is not available in English. But there is just a brief text intro and then let the girls get naked in the universal language.